Manhattan Beach CA gallery wall
”Jungle Cat Nap” linocut print and “Old Baldy” pen & ink print. Love the rainbow in the mirror.

Manhattan Beach CA gallery wall - detail
“Jungle Cat Nap” (top right), “Old Baldy” (bottom right)

Raleigh NC sunny window
mixed media notecards (left to right) “Bee Balm,” “Mexican Sunflower,” “Dandelions,” “Love-in-a-Mist,” and “Brown-eyed Susan”

Collingswood NJ Breakfast
“Oak+Acorn” block-printed napkin in cornflower

Raleigh NC bedroom corner
“Hills” pen & ink print

Raleigh NC - Zhy'naia
block-printed tote - oak leaves

Newtown CT kitchen
graphite pencil prints “Otto Luyken Laurel,” “Cherry Sage,” and “Nandina”

Newtown CT kitchen - detail
graphite pencil prints “Otto Luyken Laurel” and “Cherry Sage”

Raleigh NC study
graphite pencil print “Spirea”

Newtown CT family room
block-printed canvas tote - maple leaves

Durham NC Bedroom
Jungle Cat, Three Jungle Cats, Jungle Cat Nap, and a kitty cat.